
JUDA Judaism Through the Arts




This form is currently closed.

    Please fill out ALL fields of this form. Confirmation of acceptance will be acknowledged after this registration form is reviewed and an acceptance email is received.

    We look forward to a wonderful year of learning and growth.  

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact Tzippy Fuss, JUDA director, who will be happy to discuss any questions you may have.

    Email: CLICK HERE


    Child 1:
  • Pick a Date
  • Child 2:
  • Pick a Date


    Persons to be contacted in case of an emergency when parents cannot be reached: (Please provide at least two contacts)
  • Authorization

    I hereby give permission for my child(ren) to be transported to and from field trips and to participate in them in all JUDA activities. I understand that during the course of JUDA my child(ren) can be hurt. I accept the risk of possible injury and authorize any member of the JUDA staff to render any necessary first aid. Furthermore, in an emergency case, I hereby authorize Chabad Jewish Community Center of Riverside personnel to have my child(ren) taken care of by a physician or other medical person in any way the situation calls for. 

  • I give permission to JUDA, and those authorized by JUDA, to take photographs and to make recordings of my children and my family, and to use them in original or modified form in all media now or hereafter known, with or without my name or information about me, for the promotion, public education, and/or fundraising activities of JUDA or Chabad Jewish Community Center of Riverside

  • Payment

    Full tuition: $550
    Register by August 30th: $500
    Includes registration fee, books and all supplies.  

    5% discount off for each additional child of the same family.  
    5% additional discount off your total tuition for each child of another family you successfully introduce to JUDA.

    Credit Card
    Paypal has been selected. Payment will take place on the next page.
    Billing Address
  • Please note: Your child is not registered in JUDA until you receive an acceptance confirmation phone call or email.

  • Should be Empty:
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Educate Your Child... Educate a Generation