Camp Gan Israel is part of the largest and fastest-growing network of Jewish day camps in the world. Our Mission Camp Gan Israel was established to create a safe and engaging Jewish day camp experience. Our holistic program is designed for growth and fun to complement each other. Exciting trips, water sports, swimming, and meaningful friendships, are just some of the highlights your child will be coming home to tell you about. Staff Our counselors are carefully chosen for their dedication, experience, and ability to give individualized attention to every child. Culture Camp Gan Israel campers are imbued with a deep sense of pride in their Jewish heritage. Weekly Jewish themes are explored with experiential stories, songs, and games; all part of the unique Gan Israel experience. Activities & Program Our program is a balance of exciting recreational activities, swimming, sports, and crafts. All activities are carefully chosen to instill creativity, sportsmanship, and self-confidence. |